lockdown is the perfect time to quit smoking
lockdown is the perfect time to quit smoking

Why lockdown is the perfect time to quit smoking.

Lockdown is the perfect time to quit smoking. Here's why.

For a lot of reasons, lockdown is the perfect time to quit smoking. 

When it comes to smoking, breaking routines is half the battle. Office coffee breaks. Coworkers with similar bad habits. Boring hours of monotonous work. Stressful customers. All of these things make taking a smoke break more likely.

Lockdown might not be fun, but at least these things wont be in your way. The break and the isolation of lockdown is the perfect situation to break old habits and make new ones.

Quit smoking and save your money.

Saving money is another reason why lockdown is the perfect time to quit smoking. It’s no secret that a lot of people are struggling to make ends meet. These are financially uncertain times for many. Quitting smoking is like getting a $500 a month pay raise!

In the best of times, most smokers can think of enough reasons to quit. Choosing between smoking and eating is typically not one of them.

Use that money to make ends meet. Use it to eat healthier. Kick start a healthy new you in a healthy new year!

Less exposure to COVID-19

Every trip you make is a potential exposure. Every store you visit is a door handle you pull, or a PIN pad you touch. Every time you go out, you put yourself at risk. Those extra trips to the variety store or gas station are just adding extra risk of exposure. Lockdown is the perfect time to quit smoking because it helps reduce your risk, by reducing your trips. Stay home. Stay safe. Quit smoking!  

Struggling? We can help - safely.

LaserSTOP is an essential service, and is operating to help people quit smoking during the COVID-19 pandemic. We take all personal protection precautions, and use best practices for sterilizing our equipment. Call us at 289-339-9840, or fill out our web response form and we’ll contact you.

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